
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

One day in the Hornby prison a prisoner named Daniel said “why is my mum not getting me out of here! Hmm is she on a bus?” Daniel' mum ALWAYS takes the bus so he thought she might be going somewhere or going to get Daniel out of prison.

Daniel was in prison because he robbed a bank!

Daniel started to daydream.. He was thinking about his mum being on a bus..

Then the bus wanted to stop then the bus went into water then she got out of the bus then she got eat up or she place a boom in the water and the boom is a fake, One. but i said that was not or she is here in 4 3 2 1. Hi mum and that was not his mum. It was the best prisoner, Ever best prisoner named nolan said hi daniel i'm here for you to come with me to go to the best island so we can go to the best, Bank ever daniel said ok? Then nolan said i'm here for you then daniel's mum come to said sorry son i killed a rabbit on my why but are you, Ok son let's go home son ok mum then nolan said don't leave then daniel a his mum. The end