
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas in 3 different countries

Christmas in 3 different Countries

I've been writing about 3 different things happen in each country and the 3 countries are  Australia,UK,Bangladesh.

Monday, December 2, 2019

the search for a problem.

In the morning of a wonderful day I was arrived on a shore for a jungle where my brother lived.
The first thing i did was getting out of  my boat for a view of the island. But soon after i saw the amazing jungle trees . Straight  after i saw my brother waiting for me.

He was wearing the chicken hat and the baseball t shirt i gave him last Christmas.
and straight after i talked to him he showed to his house and gave me a tour.
Then my brother laughed at me because I was wear the t hat after so long ago he gave It  to me.
Then soon after he cooked up lunch with his super yummy sandwich.

Then after a goodnight rest  over night we heard a creek creek noise then in the morning we searched around the house. We found nothing around the house we looked in the cabinets and the kitchen and the bathroom and even in the bedrooms.But  there was nothing wrong in sight we searched a round  the garden and found foot prints.But we cant tell what type of foot print.

so we set up  trap in the kitchen and the bait was cheese. and the only thing to do was wait and in the mean time we set up chairs and stocking up the boat. The next day we searched the trap and we found a Ra-.Cliff hanger