
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Human rights blog post(Child Labour)

 Human rights blog post(Child Labour)

Hello guys and here is a post I hope everyone is doing good and enjoy :)


Tuesday, August 17, 2021


What are the three elements of music?
melody rhythm and harmony

2.what music element is a cord and what are two instruments that use it

3. what three parts make up a chord and what are their functions

 notes make up a root to make it fluid

4. name three of the four types of notes we've learned about.

1/2  Note full note 1/8 Note

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Discovery Tasks.

Hey, Guys in Health today we were set a task that required us to talk about problems I'm doing racism.

I and my friend Miguel came up with what we had to do and of course, I finished all my ones before his so this was out a bit late. our plan was to explain it all in where when who how and what. then we started with our 6 big questions.

Racism is a big problem not only in New Zealand but in many other countries. Racism creates a society where people don't trust and respect each other and this can cause people to make very bad or dangerous decisions. It can also make people unfair. - Miguel

in Jewish ghettos in Europe, the Jewish people had to wear these special star things so if people didn't want to talk to them they could just move away from them. and that's one of the reasons why the Jewish people try to fight them. and because they were executed(in world war 2)also affected their mental and emotions. wellbeing. - me

There is no specific person who started racism but what we do know is that it is a

big problem around the world.  -Miguel

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a rise in bullying and harassment of people of Chinese and Asian descent here in New Zealand. This is not on. While these are unpredictable and anxious times, we need to be alert to the harm that racism can cause, and we must equip ourselves to give nothing to racism. Let’s also flatten the curve of racism too. -Daniel

We don’t know when will racism stop or what will happen in the future but the things

What we can do to help the future is by teaching young people to respect each other and we all have the same value no matter what skin color we have or nationality.

- Miguel

Make Being racist illegal and some influences could be religious groups but some problems could be that people are reporting people for no reason, an idea on countering this could be a warning System. I think this system is not just to help when it's happening, it gives people confidence because they know they can always report it. This helps the Taha wairua-spiritual wellbeinG. (.an racism DETECTION teams) - Daniel

if you are wondering how we are going to put this in action so I got the strategies

also, I created something(photoshopped it lol)

but before I end it off I would like to tell you when it was challenging and all.

it was most challenging when we were sorting out what question we wanted

but we kept trying to find it and yea we did

I'd say it went ok because I had to carry with half of the questions and the strategies and the art. I'm very proud with what I did :)

Thank you guys for checking this out CYA!!


What the strategies are

What areas of wellbeing the strategy will improve and how

Short term and/or long term

Who is responsible 

Strategy 1

Stay close to a group of people you know well

It will make people more afraid of doing it

It will most likely work

Short and long term


Strategy 2

Make seeing different people seem more common

It will most likely make people that are seeing it think its more common

It's a long term process


Strategy 3

Tell someone 

By telling someone it will spread and more people will hate that person 

Long term 



Friday, August 6, 2021


drum set- rhythm






cow bell

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Human Rights

My POV On Human Rights

I think human rights isn't something you are given it's something you deserve.

What I know about human rights
I think human rights are super important and most people should get it

Ranking rights
-to clean water and food
-to get married
Least Important


 Hello Guys and Welcome to Another blog post and today I'll be showing you guys my favorite Olympic Sport TABLE TENNIS!! hope you enjoy and comment down below what is your favorite Olympic sport!!