
Monday, February 22, 2021

Science Knife on chicken leg :).

 Hello guys and this blog is about my experience with Chicken Leg Dissection.

Materials: A chicken drumstick with thigh, dissecting probe, scalpel, dissecting scissors, paper towels, forceps, dissecting tray, gloves, disinfectant hand wash spray.

my favorite step

step 4 carefully pull off the skin sliding it down and off the lower leg, you may need to use your scalpel to remove it but be careful to not cut any muscle tissue.

Bone- it protects everything inside and gives us structure.

Muscle-moves our bones.

Tendon-connects muscles to bone.

Ligament- connects bone to bone

Picture Gone WOW!!

Friday, February 19, 2021

INTRO TO DTE And Things about me (enjoy or not)

Hello and this is a blog post about what I did so far in DTE  and some more information about me 

My favorite color is red and my favorite thing to do is watch youtube and I enjoy playing hour of code in DTE.
and I enjoyed playing hour of code. plus we also talked about XYZ and I hated nothing so far.

And  I will show you some work I've done.

(this is an intro into DTE)..

Thursday, February 18, 2021

string shapes!!!!!

 Hello guys and welcome back to my blog and today we made string magic. I and my group made an awesome triangle unfortunately the pictures would not send. but I will tell you the plan so I had the top 3 of my friends did the bottom. sorry, there is not much really to explain. but I will be back on the grind on making blog posts bye!!.