
Monday, May 31, 2021

Shark infested Custard Game. :0

 Hello guys and today I'll be talking about what I've done today.

ok so the teams were 5 to 6 I was the team leader of the 5 person team and we were getting to a destination only using 3 hoops. and I saw a lot of communication and working together a lot.

but I saw one of the other teams cheating and did not get caught :(.

(sorry there is nothing much to talk about this sorry).

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Crystallization Blog

 Crystallization Blog

Aim: What was the purpose of crystallization?

Method: The Steps and equipment we used.

Conclusion: Dissolving, solute, solvent, soluble, diluted, concentrated, crystallization, separation.

Discussion: purification of impure solids (I think I found this on google :) ).

I hope you guys Enjoyed it and goodbye!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Interpersonal skills Drawing In Pairs.

 Using this IP skill helped Verbal communication to This helped with the activity because i was talking about

Using this IP did not help with the activity today because….

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

y9 Goal setting blog post!

Hello, Guys welcome to this blog post. Today I'll be showing you my year 9 Goal Settings. There's nothing much more to say, so  I hope you enjoy it.  :)

 Year 9 Wānanga Goal Setting

Name: Daniel Robinson

Class:  tz

Term: 2


Greatest achievement from last year: 

Focusing on the work that I was given

Subjects I have taken this term:



hur4/Phy Rn


hur5/Health Tf


Hur1/Chaos Reading Mi


Hur6/gym Ht



business Gs


Art1 Ce


Dte1 Ca



Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):


Learn more about math and what other ways you can use Math


Get 90+ attendance

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

Get faster at typing(get 56+ WPM) 

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

I can manage myself in an online environment

I am adaptable and I can recognize more than one way to approach a problem.

How will I achieve this?

I can notice 1 way most of the time but sometimes 2 so yee!!

Wellbeing - (this will be filled in later in the term after some learning around this has occurred)

Students will be asked to come up with a plan around how they could improve their wellbeing and ideas on how to measure this so they know improvements are happening.

End of term reflection

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 Game Blog Post DTE.

Hello, my name is Daniel and I'll be showing you the work that I've been assigned in Digital Technology to do for 6 weeks!!  

With my progress so far I've finished level 1 and about to finish level 2 and I'm searching for some bugs to fix and still review and some other mechanics 

This was my Favorite project so far Because the task was so clear to follow and it was lots of fun creating a game and I enjoyed it a lot and if you wanna try to make a game too the game site is called GameFroot. 

The Slideshow below is my Planning Sheet and again hope you enjoy it :).