
Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 Game Blog Post DTE.

Hello, my name is Daniel and I'll be showing you the work that I've been assigned in Digital Technology to do for 6 weeks!!  

With my progress so far I've finished level 1 and about to finish level 2 and I'm searching for some bugs to fix and still review and some other mechanics 

This was my Favorite project so far Because the task was so clear to follow and it was lots of fun creating a game and I enjoyed it a lot and if you wanna try to make a game too the game site is called GameFroot. 

The Slideshow below is my Planning Sheet and again hope you enjoy it :).

1 comment:

  1. Wow Daniel that's a lot of progress done in six weeks including the planning and everything the teacher assigned. Next time you could do work at home to get it done quicker. I only did one level on mine because I didn't know how to transfer your character to the next level so you did better than me.


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