
Thursday, July 25, 2019

term 3 clay construction art hurumanu

hey guys guess what it is term 3 and this is the first day and for period 4 and 5 we are still make characters but it is the start of period 5 so lets me give catch up at the start of us making clay stuff we started with groups then what our characters would be then we started making them then we started the backgrounds then we finished them and yea we are all most finished all the characters so yea here we are still 4 more weeks counting to day i think.

the writing project for art

the script for our clay. by the the clay video
will take time and it will be
publish with the script.

The wolf saw a bottle of leaked foot cream
but the wolf was depressed. The piranha
did not look depressed because he is evil
but the wolf spent too much time crying
about the foot cream.The wolf put on his
detective hat and searched but sadly his
feet hurt so much that he couldn't walk.

He dragged his feet to the wishing well
and it took him 30 minutes He wished for
2 things on how to find the foot cream.
The wishing well turned yellow and green
and spoke to the wolf the foot cream is
behind you. The wolf felt silly. 

But the foot creams was there he went in to
go get some money and then he made another
wish. His wish was that he could get foot cream
and then he got the foot cream.

my group project in maths

for the start of this week on math we are doing we are doing question in groups. my group tried doing 11 times tables i think. The questions were very hard so it was hard trying to find  the answer.
Me and my group we not very friends it was my first time working with them  so it was kinda hard what to talk about. Me and my group got the first answer done but the second we did find the answer its just that we didn't put it down in time. I say we did really good and worked as a team successful.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

fosial fuel experiment

hello there guys today we were doing  fossil fuel we got given a sheet with a cookie and we had to draw a cookie and a forest and answer some questions then we got give a tooth pick an we had to collect 10 chocolate chips then we had to draw the cookie after wards and draw the informant then answer more questions

Image result for fossil fuelImage result for fossil fuel