
Monday, September 21, 2020

Day Light Savings

Hello And into days blog I'm gonna talk about daylight savings


  1. When does Daylight Saving happen each year in New Zealand? Sunday 27 September at 2.00 am

  1. What year did Daylight Saving start in New Zealand? 1927

  2. Why was Daylight Saving started? 

They started because it would give them a 1-hour longer of daylight.also to make better use of energy and to make better use of the daylight

  1. The reason I think it should stay a because we can wake up when the sun is shining in the sky so we can use less power. And it a made so they don’t have to milk their cows in the dark. its already in place it would affect people who are already used to it.

  2. Do all the states in Australia have Daylight Saving? In Australia, daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Christmas Island.

  3. Write 3 tips to help others adjust to Daylight Saving this weekend. 

  • sleep earlier

  • Keep an eye on the date of the days. 

  • Make sure you have a clock for daylight saving

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Maori language week

Hello and today I will be showing my slide show to you and btw this is only greetings and some colours and numbers to ten. So here it is hope you enjoy:


Friday, September 11, 2020

Last Lesson of Hurumau 5

 Hello and today I am going to talk about this terms last Lesson of hurumanu 5 and we are going to talk about the Rotation because. last term we had 50 people in 1 class for hurumanu and now have half  and so we are talking about.

what did I like

-What did you enjoy the most

-links with math 

-what else I liked about It.

First what I Liked about This term rotation so I like how its easier to do the activities.

Second, what I enjoyed the most, well I enjoyed how we got to play games.

Third, did I like how it linked with math, well I liked how it linked with math because it's not just about running around? well that Is It hope you enjoy Byee

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Energy Sources

Hi and today we are doing to talk about Energy Source and we made smores but we had to heat them so we made the sun heat the smores by making This!!!   by using cardboard tape foil yea it went really well good byeeeee.

Tonga language week word hope you enjoy bye

Hello here is a Fact about tonga. The archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean south of Samoa is also known as the Friendly Islands, it comprises 176 islands, 36 of them are inhabited. Tonga is the only kingdom in the Pacific since Taufa'ahau (King George) in 1875 declared Tonga a constitutional monarchy, he also gave Tonga its first constitution

Friday, September 4, 2020

P.E What I've been doing so far

 Hi guys and I want to tell you what I've done so far in P.E

We have done Heart pulse and it was fun but I couldn't Find my pulse rate.

And we did Volume It was kinda boring but necessary In my learning. Btw most of these are on my blog so That's why I'm not saying the progress here. And we did multiple other things. so here we go. we did weight activity, area math, Perimeter math, and again I have blog posts With more description but here Is my Weight activity so far. (Not done yet but still ok ) But so far in P.e, I'm doing well Oh and one of the days we did hockey training, and that was my first time actually training with hockey sticks.BYE

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 Hello People and today we made a poster