
Tuesday, September 3, 2019


In digital tech we were  talking about issues i did it about. Pollution in oceans because fishes are one of our main food sources and one of the things we are doing at one point. On the way in digital tech is creating an game and more things after this blog. I'm going to go on some apps we were assigned. but before I go here is a question whats a issue you would address? Tell me in the comments.

Image result for app image

link to DLO

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel Jesse here from your form class. I like your blog post it's really cool I like how you put the link to the DLO as well. But your I's need a capital and you have a full stop where it says I did it about full stop pollution so you might want to get rid of that full stop because it doesn't make sense.
    You could get rid of Read this bit of the title because it makes the readers think that you need then to read it and they probably won't read it and have you ever made your own game on app lab and game fruit? because it's fun but that's just me so you might not like it but I recon it's fun tell me what you think about it. BLOG YOU LATER!!!


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