
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

work about the martian man

Hello im doing a work sheet about the martian man and here it is and I made up the question and answer it.

Interview with Mark The Martian

News Report based on his answers. Use the handout to help you remember the plot.

Questions and answers.
  1. Did you only eat potatoes while you were in mars? yes
  2. When you saw your crew for the first time and when they saved you?nice
What was you refraction 

  1. What is your favorite food not counting potatoes? Umm thats hard carriots

4)what is your favourite colour? white

5) how was eating food that was made out of your food? When you put it like that you would say bad but it was actually good

News Report:

e.g. Well known tennis player, Tony Rutene, landed in the wrong town for his latest tennis tournament. He was stuck there with no transport, no money, no food and no communications. His teammates had no idea where he was and after a week gave him up for dead because he was unable to access  a phone or computer given that everyone in the town was in lockdown. Noone travelled out of their bubble and it was only by chance that a helicopter flew over and saw Tony’s message in a vacant plot. ‘HELP!’ The pilot landed on the plot and at a safe distance was able to sort Tony out and fly him back home to his relieved family and teammates.

Write your draft news report here:
Well known space explorer and his team were hit by a sand storm and Mark got taken with the sand and now found alive at Mars and now they are trying to save him and we are all worried.

Blog your news report when it’s been proofread!

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