
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The ripple blog post

Hi guys today im going to blog about a video. Its about a ripple. In the video it starts off with a girl wanting to buy her grandfathers favorite cake but her mother and her brother did not have the money for it so they went home but this person buyed the cake then he rushed to them and gave them the cake they said that they will repay them so they ask for his number he writhed something in it when they got home her mother gave there grandfather the note it said a simple act of caring crates a endless ripple  then a flash back came of the grandfarther when he was a little younger the same thing happens like at the start and he gave the little boy a note saying a simple act of caring creates an endless ripple. And in the end the key point of this video is to be kind and kindness goes back to you.

the link to the video
click here

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