
Thursday, December 10, 2020

The most Boring Huamanu Class I've Ever had."

 Hello and welcome to me blog post and IM SUPER PISSED we gotta do another Blogpost ON the Last Day but enough about that the main reason I made this blog post is to share with you photos about What happened I hope you enjoy  and, to be honest, it was Really Boring 


Among us Story

 Hello there. Today I am going to publish this story I made for Hurumanu 4.

Hope you Enjoy

   Chapter 1 That’s Kinda SUS

Characters  Red White Black Purple Cyan Green.

One day in space while the silver stars sparkled and shined galaxy, six random people were chosen for this test (Teleported sound). 

A mysterious voice of an unknown being suddenly broke the silence and began to speak. “Hello everyone and welcome to my test. It's called Among us. You all were chosen to play, here are the rules and then I will explain how to play after.

Rule 1: No Calling people by their real name only by the color of their suit.

Rule 2: No saying what your role is to other players.

Rule3: and of course no cheating.

After they got told how to play the game.

Unknown Voice: So enjoy.

White: hello everyone.

Cyan and Purple: sup.

Purple I guess we are on a ship?

Cyan: Yea but why is it Bright Yellow though?

Black: yea so when is it gonna start?

Cyan: well I guess we gotta press the button?

Purple: ok I’ll press it.

“Press the button”.

Green: hmm I guess we are on a Bigger spaceship.


Purple I guess we will meet at this Big table if something happens?

Green: yea so I guess we should do our tasks?

Purple: yea I’ll go to electrical with Green.

Red: I will go with cyan to nav.

“Meanwhile in electrical”.

“Lights turn off”.

“ when it turns back on”. 

Purple: ok green It’s fixed.

“As he Gazes over at greens dead body in Horror.

“Report Sounds”

Red: Where.

White: Chicken nuggets.

Black: Where.

Cyan: where.

Purple: Where I mean it’s in electrical Heh.

Cyan: With you? now that’s kinda sus.

Purple: Well It Happened when the lights Turned off.

“Cyan Slams his hand on the table”.

Cyan: likely Story Someone like you would always lie.

Red: Does anyone have any more suspicions?

White: I Saw red Vent.


Black Seems reasonable.

Red: Really black just like that.

Black: Yep.

Red: come on Cyan Clear me.

Cyan: I didn’t see you most of the time.

Red: why... 

???: red has 4 votes.

:???: black has 1 vote.

??? red had the most votes.

???: red was not the Imposter.

Black: umm oh no…

Purple: now that’s kinda suspicious.

Cyan: I guess well split up?

White: I guess.

While everyone walks off.


Cyan hears footsteps.

“Ok calm down, it's all right, Wait who's there” Cyan murmurs under his breath.

Cyan: .....

Cyan: I I I should known it was you.

An unknown person speaks up, “Hey this is going to be a breeze.”

“Report sound”    

Black: I found the body in the reactor.

White: Damn this is so hard I feel like I’m going to die.

Purple: hmm well we can’t just ask who is the imposter.

Black: I found White near the body Doing Bang bang with a gun.

White: what..  no I wasn’t even near it I was with purple.

 Black: wait no I saw you near it and then you vented.

Purple: … this will be hard as a bee sting.

White: what this should be easy since you know I was with you.

White had the most votes...

White was Ejected.

White was the Imposter.

“Teleports sounds”.

Green: Why are we in this tiny Space ship again.

Red: Wait Purple how did you know it was white?

Purple: I don’t know I just guessed who it was.

Black: wait… wheres white.

???: since he lost he has to face the punishment.

Purple: you goddamn Monster.

???: well you all ready for round two?

. continues in chapter 2? >{)(*<>”

The Bug 

Thank you for reading and tell me who you thought it was? And did you guess

Monday, November 16, 2020

Acrostic poem

 Acrostic poem.

Hello and to day I did a Acrostic poem and this is my result

A gamer
Name is Daniel
I like animals.
Excited to watch youtube
Loves games

Thank you for reading and see you all in the next blog bye.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Acrostic poem

  Hello and this is my acrostic poem. just so you know I did this because I was bord


Apex gamer

Name a Daniel



Loves gaming

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Head Ball

Hello guys and welcome to a new blog post and today I and my friend made a new game Called HeadBall all the info are down Bellow GAME MADE BY Tevita and Daniel

 Game Name: Head Ball
 Handball Rules: 
 NO ARMS No legs Only heads And Don’t Cheat.

 How to Play: Someone will throw the ball at the wall and you gotta hit the ball with your head as long as you can.
 So basically the ball will hit the wall then your head then the wall then your head And so on. Every time it hits your head you get a point if it touches the floor then your out and the next person goes do it as many times as you want.
 And most importantly DONT GET Hurt I hope you enjoyed it and if there is anything we didn't say that you are confused about then send me a Comment and here is a video of us playing.

If you play this game please tell me your high score.

Friday, October 16, 2020

New Term Means New Goals!!!

 Hello Guys and welcome to another term and today I'm going to show you what my goal is this term. I hope you enjoy it by the way please give feedback so my next blog post will be better and GOOD BYE!

 (Question What was your favorite thing on my blog from the last term ?)

Goal Setting

Name: Daniel Robinson 

Class:  Tz

Term: 4


Greatest achievement from last term r: 

Playing Fortnite with Zack and Nathan at the same time

Subjects tooken this term:



Hur 4-Art/writing


Hur 3-Science/Writing


Hur 6-Maths/Health

Technology: Sewing 

Language: Maori


Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):


Do more than 3 blog posts in a week


Get better at times tables

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

Play apex with Nathan and Zack at the same time

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

I work well with other

I listen to people

Giving Useful feedback

Nothing else that I know of

How will I achieve this?

Actually, give good feedback

End of term reflection

Sorry but I can’t see the future

Monday, September 21, 2020

Day Light Savings

Hello And into days blog I'm gonna talk about daylight savings


  1. When does Daylight Saving happen each year in New Zealand? Sunday 27 September at 2.00 am

  1. What year did Daylight Saving start in New Zealand? 1927

  2. Why was Daylight Saving started? 

They started because it would give them a 1-hour longer of daylight.also to make better use of energy and to make better use of the daylight

  1. The reason I think it should stay a because we can wake up when the sun is shining in the sky so we can use less power. And it a made so they don’t have to milk their cows in the dark. its already in place it would affect people who are already used to it.

  2. Do all the states in Australia have Daylight Saving? In Australia, daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Christmas Island.

  3. Write 3 tips to help others adjust to Daylight Saving this weekend. 

  • sleep earlier

  • Keep an eye on the date of the days. 

  • Make sure you have a clock for daylight saving

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Maori language week

Hello and today I will be showing my slide show to you and btw this is only greetings and some colours and numbers to ten. So here it is hope you enjoy:


Friday, September 11, 2020

Last Lesson of Hurumau 5

 Hello and today I am going to talk about this terms last Lesson of hurumanu 5 and we are going to talk about the Rotation because. last term we had 50 people in 1 class for hurumanu and now have half  and so we are talking about.

what did I like

-What did you enjoy the most

-links with math 

-what else I liked about It.

First what I Liked about This term rotation so I like how its easier to do the activities.

Second, what I enjoyed the most, well I enjoyed how we got to play games.

Third, did I like how it linked with math, well I liked how it linked with math because it's not just about running around? well that Is It hope you enjoy Byee

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Energy Sources

Hi and today we are doing to talk about Energy Source and we made smores but we had to heat them so we made the sun heat the smores by making This!!!   by using cardboard tape foil yea it went really well good byeeeee.

Tonga language week word hope you enjoy bye

Hello here is a Fact about tonga. The archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean south of Samoa is also known as the Friendly Islands, it comprises 176 islands, 36 of them are inhabited. Tonga is the only kingdom in the Pacific since Taufa'ahau (King George) in 1875 declared Tonga a constitutional monarchy, he also gave Tonga its first constitution

Friday, September 4, 2020

P.E What I've been doing so far

 Hi guys and I want to tell you what I've done so far in P.E

We have done Heart pulse and it was fun but I couldn't Find my pulse rate.

And we did Volume It was kinda boring but necessary In my learning. Btw most of these are on my blog so That's why I'm not saying the progress here. And we did multiple other things. so here we go. we did weight activity, area math, Perimeter math, and again I have blog posts With more description but here Is my Weight activity so far. (Not done yet but still ok ) But so far in P.e, I'm doing well Oh and one of the days we did hockey training, and that was my first time actually training with hockey sticks.BYE

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 Hello People and today we made a poster

Friday, August 28, 2020

Drama a Paragraph bout my role> (Very Very cool)

A Paragraph about my role on 

He’s a king that deserves more respect and he owns a castle located in Atlas. he lives alone and is quite mad all the time and the people are angry at him because he an unfair on the taxes. But you will see what will happen ‘clenches fist’ to people that dis o bay the king ‘axe drops’ the king a quite a foolish king but when you cross him you will suffer he looks like an old piece of poop that’s why no one dates him even the people he forces but no one he 59 years old he is second to oldest out of 3 of his sibling. jack tom and lucy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 Hello, Bloggers Today I will show you my Science Work Sorry this isn't much but here it is BYEEEE.

WW1 blogpost

 Hello and today I finished my ww1 blog post and here it is hope you enjoy (this is Kinda long Bye)

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Science (epic) ft egg

 Hello today we made we did an egg drop challenge and we won but I don't have enough time AGAIN so sorry

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Gravity (EPIC)

hi this is an nother blog post but I don't have enough time to talk anymore so... BYE

Friday, August 14, 2020


Hello and today I finished my kindness poster and that's it but here's a challenge comment 2 kind things you did. BYE

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Parihaka work (EPIC)

 Hi Today I will talk about parihaka I answered some questions on this slide but if the link doesn't work then... Not my fault. BYE (edit I also made a Kahoot but I can't share it because the link does not work )

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sparo experiment (epic imfomation)

Hellio i dont have much time but here's a photo and we made a course I did it first try. and like I said I don't have much time so... BYE  

Acrostic poem

 Hello  and this is my blog about me aka acrostic poem

Dance moves a decent in fortnite

Aim a ok in apex

Name a Daniel

I know a lot about apex

Expert at apex

Level 94 in apex

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


hELLO to day we did a intro I was bad at it

Japanese self intro

I am Daniel

Boku no namae wa Daniel desu


Phone number a zero ni zero nanai roku ju ni go yon (NOT REALLY MY PHONE NUMBER)

Town- Christchurch ` 23\

Friday, July 31, 2020

Fitness Activity            Results      Heart Rate After

Fitness Activity


Heart Rate After.



Can’t find my beat

Can’t find it

Agility Run

42s apparently


30m sprint


Still can’t find my beat

Beep test

Vertical Jump


10m   run                                        31 or 32 laps I forgot partway through

A resting pulse is when your pulse rate when you are lying down. We measure it on your neck or on your wrist. We are measuring the beats of your heart rate each minute.

Active Pulse Rate a when your pulse rate when you have been doing some Exercise.