
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Private informational and things you should not share.

The Reason why I started it because lots of people get hacked and people  share their information  about them.

Don't share  you private information like if you are in a worldwide chat an you talking to a friend and you say meet me Jake house at Jake's house because its his birthday today because with that information they can hack that person an get that persons parents  email and never show the place you are going to that means they can stalk you and when you do something private they can use that to get in to you bank and other things and never be friends with people that you don't know in real life.




Don't share information

Random person you have in you friends list


  1. I Daniel this is Jaren I liked the way you putted the reasons why we should not give him any of our information in our accounts.

  2. hi Daniel its me Levi.really like how you said people can hack your account and everything that can happen. I think you could add more detail to this text and maybe you can put more pictures to explain more of the text. This reminds me of when my other friend Jaiden tried to hack my home ps4 account.

  3. Hi Daniel it's me Nolan. I liked your blog post because it teaches people to not share private information. What you could fix is that how do people know where they live when they don't say the address and say just meet at Jake's house there could multiple Jake's house, and your right about the birthday bit they could know what day it is because it's today and can you add don't share your last name with random people. And how do people know there bank account number and email my just knowing the first name and house? And is it just the type of bank they use like Kiwi bank and stuff that's not even that private to know what bank your using isn't pretty it not that bad to know what bank they use it's not like they know there credit card and stuff oh do you mean the bank account number. This reminds me of when I did this poster. Hope to see more post keep up with the good work!!


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