
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas in 3 different countries

Christmas in 3 different Countries

I've been writing about 3 different things happen in each country and the 3 countries are  Australia,UK,Bangladesh.

Monday, December 2, 2019

the search for a problem.

In the morning of a wonderful day I was arrived on a shore for a jungle where my brother lived.
The first thing i did was getting out of  my boat for a view of the island. But soon after i saw the amazing jungle trees . Straight  after i saw my brother waiting for me.

He was wearing the chicken hat and the baseball t shirt i gave him last Christmas.
and straight after i talked to him he showed to his house and gave me a tour.
Then my brother laughed at me because I was wear the t hat after so long ago he gave It  to me.
Then soon after he cooked up lunch with his super yummy sandwich.

Then after a goodnight rest  over night we heard a creek creek noise then in the morning we searched around the house. We found nothing around the house we looked in the cabinets and the kitchen and the bathroom and even in the bedrooms.But  there was nothing wrong in sight we searched a round  the garden and found foot prints.But we cant tell what type of foot print.

so we set up  trap in the kitchen and the bait was cheese. and the only thing to do was wait and in the mean time we set up chairs and stocking up the boat. The next day we searched the trap and we found a Ra-.Cliff hanger

Friday, November 29, 2019

china one child policy

Hi guys today we are doing agree or disagree i'm doing it about,china one child policy and i chose
to agree.

Facts,The person that made one child policy was the China leader Deng Xiaoping and he did it
because china was rapidly growing at the time china had 970 million when introduced.
Did you know china one child policy was made in 1980 to 2015 but in 2016 and its now an 2 child policy.

China has a large population and that means there will be less food for the population and It means
There will be less resources because people wont work for nothing and less resources means less
people to live so more population
means and resources. That means there are going to be less houses for people and if they
stay like they have been.

So the parents will be wealthier and have more time to take care of the child and its easier and less

link to china population

tane mahuta(very old)

Hi guys and to day i was out in the garden for 30 mins and we were getting the dirt out so we can use the stone slabs on the ground and after that i had gym sports and we gotten to do athletics in groups of 5 i failed each activity

creative writing story

hi guys this is my creative writing blog post hopefully you ernjoy.

once apon a time there was a long an beautiful glorious beard man stuck up In a tree h was called rarazer  he live in a world everyone were rasers. everyone tried to get up the tree but he has an guard called sherk and he has an golden reverse card. a Obama sword.Image result for rapunzel but in a beard

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Hello Emma I'm Daniel and I go to Hornby High School and I like learning about reading at school. My favorite topic in the Summer Learning Journey is Week 4 'The whole world is a stage' because it sounds very interesting and I would love to learn more about it and I hope I will be able to win a prize maybe but it does not matter any way I will have the benefit of trying anyway.

Question: why did you join summer learning journey?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

You know what this is

hi guys  and to day I'm going to tell you what I did to day so far.

So far I was in the garden taking out weeds and some other people were planting sweet corn and carrots and also melons then I had gym sports an in gym sport we played crash ban cricket for half then we played tennis out on the court. We gotten 12 points an the other people playing with us gotten 14 points it was up to 20 but gym sports ended.

Thank you guys for listening and see ya next blogging time.Image result for corns and carrots

Monday, November 11, 2019

i am malala part 3

in to days blog post I gotten asked to answer question for the book by my teacher

question 1. if you could ask an question to the main character what would it be. what days do you pray.

question 2. who are the main characters in the novel and how i know. Malala and her dad and mom and her brothers are the main characters.
Image result for i am malala

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tane mahuta

Today we were out in the garden getting ready to plant more plants. Then in period 3, I had gym sports, and in gym sports we split into 2 groups and 1 went to play human pin ball and the other played kick long ball. I was terrible at kick long ball and after that period, I went to Kiwi Kaha. In Kiwi Kaha, we did a negotiating game with cards and a sheet with how many money we earned and how many we spent, but in the end we came 2nd and we got 1580.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

novel!! I am Malala

hello guys and i'm writing  about the novel I have been reading so far In the book I've gotten up to When the schools when it got to day 1 of forbidden for girls. To go to school  and Taliban blowing up schools and they forbidden females to go to school.  The government did not even try to stop the taliban from stopping the female from going to school and for the older woman are forbidden walking around the street without a male relation  and a  Taliban might shoot you or follow you. Thank you guys for reading this and I have really enjoyed reading book.  Guys whats your favorite part of the book? One thing I would like to find out about her is if the place will be safe again please tell me in the comments.

Image result for i am malala image

Friday, October 25, 2019

about digital tech!!!!

Hey guys and to day i'm going to talking about what I did in digital tech.
I am doing nature disasters and in nature disasters i'm doing pollution. To show it i'm making an game about pollution on
The game i'm making is doing really good with a little more work it will be done.
But next time I should add more levels to make it more exciting and more interesting.
But now I dont have much time to finish it unless there is one more period of it then i'm done.
see you later guys.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

PE sports

Hi guys, I am going to talk about the sport I was teaching. The sport was dodge ball and my group was called the dragons.  It was super fun and I cannot wait to tell you more about it.

It was successful because everyone was having fun and this extended to the warm up. For the warm up we were doing each classmate had to run 1 lap around the court, 20 lunges and other exercises to get ready for dodge ball. My role was to help put the balls on the cones and it went so great that I would not change anything about it. I learned some more tactics on how to play and that it is a very fun sport. We also played other sports like basketball, soccer and lots more.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

wedsday sports

hey guys so to day we are making an short blog post so lets get to it.

today we where in the garden pulling out weeds an then after that i had gym sports and in gym sports we were playing kick long ball

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Novel reading!!! I am Malala

Hi guys and today I am going to talk about an novel called I am Malala. It's about a girl in a place where it unfair for woman and girls. Where they can't have an proper education and her dad owns a school. So she goes there and they live in an poor village and she has an friend they are great friends.
I only got up to part one but so far it was amazing. I have a question, have you read the book? I would like to see if you have. What did you think if it?
                                                                   Picture of Malala .
Image result for i am malala book cover
Add caption

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

wanna know more about me? then look here.

Hi guys today I'm making an acrostic poem about me.

Dodge ball is my favorite sport
Amazing talent at minecraft
Never have I ever gotten an win with octane in apex
I never had 3 wins in fortnite
Every day to me is a good day
Loyal to my friends

thanks for reading this
I might do this again.

if you want  you can do one with your name?

Image result for dodge ball

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

my trip to Oranapark

On Monday my group was able to go to Orana Park. First it was a lot of fun but we saw kea birds and apes and more. Feeding the giraffe was weird the tong was super long. Fun fact giraffes tongs are purple because of the sun and hotness in afraka so the tong is a dark color to stop the sun burn.
Fun fact about dears they have this coat on there back where they can unleash some fur to impress the female dears and to scary the other dears before the battle

us before the trip                                                                     the groups first animal seen at the trip

Monday, September 16, 2019

math blog post

Hi guy we were doing division and here It Is.  Hope you enjoy bye.

Friday, September 13, 2019

scratch or sphere?

Scratch is a site that you have the freedom to create anything you want you can make them race cars and make them fly and more its really fun to play.

Sphere is a device where you have this circle like ball and you use an iPad to control it it isn't that interesting

They both have in common is they both use technology.

I prefer scratch because it is more fun and easier and less annoying.

If you are bored you can play one of these to spend your free time on.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

PE hurumanu bench ball and math!!

Yesterday in PE hurumanu we play another groups game called bench ball.
We started off with their warm ups and they were pretty annoying but It wasn't that hard. and we had to do were star jumps and jogging from line to line we did It for 5 minutes repeating. But then we went into the drill It was sneak up on granny It was pretty hard to win but somehow people win but after that we went into the. Game and It was year 7 vs year 7 and 8s vs 8s after that we did a year 7s vs year 8s. It was really fun but last week we did math the tasks were pretty hard but I think I gotten better at math. Because of the adding of how much paint you need. But also I gotten to use strategies like skip counting and more most of them were basic strategies.

Graduate profile
I demonstrated working successfully with others. By jogging with the others like a team.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

wood tech

so today i will be saying what i learned in this tech. So i learned how to use the tools and i made awesome things like a car and a heart on a stick and i was doing to make a tank or a plane and i had an amazing wood tech teacher and it was amazing to do wood tech and thats it. Bye

Monday, September 9, 2019

reading theater!!

Hi guys and i will be talking about reading theater it did happen a little while ago but it is still good to tell so it all started when we chose our groups i grouped up with Miguel and Hamid. Also Hans,Matt,Tevita,Sahara. it was a big group because very other group wanted just a few people we did our story about a escape room but then we had to write the story it took pretty but it was worth it.

Bye guys here is our script Escape Room
It’s where you solve puzzles and also movements.
What? The story is about 6 friends who went to an escape room but couldn’t get out??

Where? A Creepy Halloween theme escape room.

When? 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon

why? They were dared to go to escape room by their other friends
Who? Mob, Miguel, Matt, Marith, Hamid, Shane and the voice

Tevita - Mob
Matt - Harley 
Miguel - Miguel
Hamid - Shazam 
Daniel - voice (aka Greg an old lady) and Narrator 
Hans - Zhask
Sahara - Shane

Starter Script

It was 5 in the afternoon when 6 friends rode a bus to a halloween themed escape room in the town of Pennywise. In the group there were 5 boys and 1 girl they saw the big escape room building with webs and pumpkins all around the building.

Mob: Umm…. Shazam this is scary maybe we should go back?


Zhask: Hey don’t call him a scary cat

Shane: yeah leave him alone.

Harley: Hey guys, guys, so are we gonna do this or what?

*shouting in front of Miguel*
Shazam: heck yeah MIGUEL!

Miguel: What?

Shazam:’LET’S GO IN NOWlt 

Shane: WHAT? No its a stupid idea.

Mob: I’m scared

Shane: yeah same.Oh come on, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Shazam: * Shazam Pushes Shane and Mob inside*

Shane: Hey! Don’t push me! *steps outside*

Shazam: haha

*Talks in a really weird voice*
Harley: Hey guys why did the pig cross the road? 

Zhask: why?

Harley: To get to the other side!

Zhask: ha-ha-ha good one Harley

Shane: Oh my gosh you guys are morons. *Facepalms* *sigh* let’s just get this over with.

*Shane opens the door and everyone walks inside*
*the door slams shut*

Mob: Guys it’s too dark I can’t see anything 

Miguel: Don’t worry Mob We won’t let anything happen to you.

Shane: haha yeah right we’re all gonna get killed by demons.

Mob: wh-what? 


Shane:But it’s true-

Shazam: guys do you hear that?

*everyone hushes and looks around the room*

Shazam: it’s getting louder c’mon.

*everyone follows Shazam*

Mob: *gulp* g-guys i don't           
 like this i think i'm gonna faint.

Miguel: Mob stop over exaggerating

Shazam: You guys are being pathetic everythings fine!.

Greg:*weird old lady voice* welcome! Today i Greg will be hosting this year's Halloween escape room-

Harley: umm are you my dad? Where have you been for all these years-

Greg: shut up I'm not your father idiot- Ehem as i was saying.. Welcome to the escape room there will be multiple sets of riddles and puzzles that you must solve in order to get out. Have fun and good luck.

Mob: *Shivers* I knew this was a bad idea,

Shazam: yeah you’re Right Mob 

Zhask: can we get this on when
 I got to catch up with my ten hours of beauty sleep.

Mob: good to know Zhask.

Greg: walk through the door and start the fun

Miguel: ok let’s  go.
**all go through the escape room door
Shazam: hmm what to do?

Zhask: maybe we use a hint?

**Uses hint** 

Greg: The puzzle code is next to you is colour coded

And next time you use a hint half of you will disappear

Shane:are you serious?!!

Zhask: umm ok let me try this red black yellow green

**Moves shapes wrong**  Mob: GREG GIVE ME A HINT

Greg: wait are you serious, ok then  zhask harley and shazam may disappear  and they may talk to you from the bellow

Narrator still to this day they are stuck on the first puzzle of the escape room.

               The End