
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Crime Scene Planing

 Hello everyone and today I will be showing u my Crime Scene Planing so enjoy

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Is it a crime????

 Hello viewers I will be talking about is it a crime i will start of with

It could be a crime cause it could be on purpose

or it could be an accident

Someone could be robbing the bank and running away or it could be people transferring the money to the bank

someone stealing the car or someone hoping in their own car

 died in a zoo it would be a crime or died in the woods or out in the country then it would not be illegal

some one poisoned him or he died in the hospital by being sick

a crime scene or just chalk thing of a person .

Friday, November 5, 2021

HURUMANU 2 Experience

 Hey guys and today I will show you a bit of the work that I've been doing during hurumanu 2.

In this section, I have had a couple rules of Human rights slideshow Rules :). Also, We learned about Child labor and how bad it is in some countries but later on, we learned how to effectively do research like the dot jot strategy and how you got to grab some information and put them in bullet points. All that. And then finally I'm going to talk about ethics and robotics and should robots have human rights well in my opinion I disagree cause there could be multiple problems like how they can just rebel against us. also, like how they can easily take over all the jobs with their superior abilities and cybernetics.

     Dot-jot                                                       Child labor

Ethics and robotics

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

House design (bulbs)

 Hello guys and welcome to this post and today I will be showing you what I've been doing lately.

(Aim&Method)We have been designing a house on paper and placing the number of light bulbs that were given. the rooms I gave my house were the living room, room entrance, room bed, closet room. also, we were given 10 light bulbs to put in each room. I put 

2 room entrance

2 bedroom

4 closet room

2 living room.

(Discussion&Conclusion)The Type of math I used were Voltage Current Resistance. The way I did the calculations was while using a calculator. but the calculations do not make sense I don't know how it just does not. While doing this I did not enjoy it but if I do it again I would pick the highest level. I used 10 light bulbs I'm kind of proud. Good bye!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

PE Gymnastics!! (I'm terrible at it)

 Hey, Guys welcome to the blog post and today I will show you the results don't insult me I'm terrible 'cause we did this for 4 weeks. also, we have been using 6 activities with tasks to do on them. the activities were Parallel Bars, Beam, Mini tramp, Horizontal Bar, Floor, Trampoline. So here are the results. :)

Parallel Bars went really bad with none being able to do. Same with Beam, Horizontal Bar, Floor.

But I was able to do everything on the Trampoline Which was Controlled bounce, Straddle jump, full turn, seat drop, Frontdrop.(they were easy but I'm proud of myself). oh and I was able to do most of the mini-tramp ones :) which was Straight jump full turn tuck jump dive roll. but not somersault to land on feet. :0

Well, It was super fun and i enjoyed it :) and Good bye.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Copper Transfusion :)

 Copper Transfusion. 

In Science today I made my key copper.

Equipment I used was a key(or something you want to plate), Copper(11) sulfate, soulution,power supply,2 wires with clips,cooper,Beaker

My Method: Was to put your clips in the positive and negative terminals of your power supply Attach the cooper to the positive wire and the metal you want to plate to the negative wire. Put the cooper sulfate solution in a tall beaker and put the cooper and item in the solution. Avoid the clips. Set your Power Supply to 6 Volts and turn it on leave for several minutes. 

Also the result were a rustic looking feal.

Well  hope you all Enjoyed good BYE!!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Electricity Blog (Final SCience blog?) (this term ofc)

Hello And enjoy : )

In a series circuit, all components are connected end-to-end, forming a single path for electrons to flow. In a parallel circuit, all components are connected across each other, forming exactly two sets of electrically common points

Parallel bulb is brighter than a Series circuits

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Hello everyone and today I am going to show you what I did in Science we learned about how you can make metal a magnet using Power Supply,Switch,Wires

Thursday, September 16, 2021

PE Badminton how to score!

 For The past 3 weeks we have been playing badminton in PE. Today I am going to tell you how to score in a game.

There's different ways to score  one way is if the shuttlecock goes out of bound then the point goes to the other team.

Another way is if the shuttlecock hits the net and if so the point goes to the other team.

Also if the shuttle cock hits the ground the point goes to the other team.

Another one is if the server fails to pass the shuttlecock the other team gets a point and they get to serve.

Also If its 20-21 the a team needs to get 2 point ahead of the other.

Well That's it for today I hope you enjoyed and see you Another day.

3,942 Badminton Court Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

Badminton court Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Maori language week in the work shop.(Signs)

 Hello and this week is Maori language week so I'm showing that we have been using bilingual signs. also what signs do you know?

  No Smoking No Vaping Plastic Sign 450x300mm | OfficeMax NZ

Auahi Kore/No Smoking Hakohu Kore/No Vaping Plastic Sign Maori/English  450x300mm | OfficeMax NZ

Monday, September 13, 2021

Science work I did (kinda Boring)

Hello and today I'm just answering some work I have gotten so you might as leave to be honest. 

                                           Science work :)
  1. What are the 3 particles that makeup everything? Which ones have positive and negative charges?Electrons(negative) protons(positive) neutrons(neutral)

  2. Objects want to be “electrically neutral”. What does this mean?it has no electrons and no protons

  3. When you rub two insulators you can get a static shock, so what is an insulator and a conductor? They would repeal each other

  4. What is an example of static electricity?  you rub your shoe on the carpet, your body collects extra electrons.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Human rights blog post(Child Labour)

 Human rights blog post(Child Labour)

Hello guys and here is a post I hope everyone is doing good and enjoy :)


Tuesday, August 17, 2021


What are the three elements of music?
melody rhythm and harmony

2.what music element is a cord and what are two instruments that use it

3. what three parts make up a chord and what are their functions

 notes make up a root to make it fluid

4. name three of the four types of notes we've learned about.

1/2  Note full note 1/8 Note

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Discovery Tasks.

Hey, Guys in Health today we were set a task that required us to talk about problems I'm doing racism.

I and my friend Miguel came up with what we had to do and of course, I finished all my ones before his so this was out a bit late. our plan was to explain it all in where when who how and what. then we started with our 6 big questions.

Racism is a big problem not only in New Zealand but in many other countries. Racism creates a society where people don't trust and respect each other and this can cause people to make very bad or dangerous decisions. It can also make people unfair. - Miguel

in Jewish ghettos in Europe, the Jewish people had to wear these special star things so if people didn't want to talk to them they could just move away from them. and that's one of the reasons why the Jewish people try to fight them. and because they were executed(in world war 2)also affected their mental and emotions. wellbeing. - me

There is no specific person who started racism but what we do know is that it is a

big problem around the world.  -Miguel

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a rise in bullying and harassment of people of Chinese and Asian descent here in New Zealand. This is not on. While these are unpredictable and anxious times, we need to be alert to the harm that racism can cause, and we must equip ourselves to give nothing to racism. Let’s also flatten the curve of racism too. -Daniel

We don’t know when will racism stop or what will happen in the future but the things

What we can do to help the future is by teaching young people to respect each other and we all have the same value no matter what skin color we have or nationality.

- Miguel

Make Being racist illegal and some influences could be religious groups but some problems could be that people are reporting people for no reason, an idea on countering this could be a warning System. I think this system is not just to help when it's happening, it gives people confidence because they know they can always report it. This helps the Taha wairua-spiritual wellbeinG. (.an racism DETECTION teams) - Daniel

if you are wondering how we are going to put this in action so I got the strategies

also, I created something(photoshopped it lol)

but before I end it off I would like to tell you when it was challenging and all.

it was most challenging when we were sorting out what question we wanted

but we kept trying to find it and yea we did

I'd say it went ok because I had to carry with half of the questions and the strategies and the art. I'm very proud with what I did :)

Thank you guys for checking this out CYA!!


What the strategies are

What areas of wellbeing the strategy will improve and how

Short term and/or long term

Who is responsible 

Strategy 1

Stay close to a group of people you know well

It will make people more afraid of doing it

It will most likely work

Short and long term


Strategy 2

Make seeing different people seem more common

It will most likely make people that are seeing it think its more common

It's a long term process


Strategy 3

Tell someone 

By telling someone it will spread and more people will hate that person 

Long term 



Friday, August 6, 2021


drum set- rhythm






cow bell

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Human Rights

My POV On Human Rights

I think human rights isn't something you are given it's something you deserve.

What I know about human rights
I think human rights are super important and most people should get it

Ranking rights
-to clean water and food
-to get married
Least Important


 Hello Guys and Welcome to Another blog post and today I'll be showing you guys my favorite Olympic Sport TABLE TENNIS!! hope you enjoy and comment down below what is your favorite Olympic sport!! 


Friday, July 30, 2021

New Goal settings for this term!!

 Hey guys and to day I am about to show you my goal Setting for this term (ps I will finish it off later )

 Year 9 Wānanga Goal Setting

Name: Daniel

Class:  tz

Term: 3


Greatest achievement from last term: 

Being able to keep up the 90+ Attendance.

Subjects taken this term:



Hur1 reading.


Hur 2  social studies.


Hur 3 maths.


Hur 4 physics.



Mus 2 Music.


Cmm wood tech (creative manufacturing).


Ict .



Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):


being able to consistently keep up in work.


Try to do my best in all my work

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

Make sure to keep a good mental brain throughout the term and more.

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

I'm getting better at typing fast.

To get better at multiple things in math.

How will I achieve this?

Keep learning and staying on track.

Wellbeing - (this will be filled in later in the term after some learning around this has occurred)

Students will be asked to come up with a plan around how they could improve their wellbeing and ideas on how to measure this so they know improvements are happening.

End of term reflection

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Summary on what we did in DTE!!

 Hello Guys and today I'll be talking to you about everything thing I've done about an app we been working on. We are working on an app about saving the planet. I'll start with what we been doing


Pros and Cons of apps we review

What the coder has done so far(below)

I gotten Tasked with the leader role so pretty much the helping hand.

Hope You Enjoyed BYE

Friday, June 25, 2021


 Hello Guys and today I'll show you a Poster that I and my friend made about Matariki. we made this because of how important it is to Newzealand. and hope you enjoy :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rubber Cup Band Mover(old post)

 Hello Guys and I'll be talking about something I've done last week. we were in groups of 4-5

and we use rubber and we use it in a way so we all can have a handle and they use it to move the 5 plastic cups from one table to another.

The challenge is to attach the string to the elastic band, and each group member pulls on the string to move each cup from one table to another.

Diffusion of potassium permanganates.

 Diffusion of potassium permanganate.

Hello and today I'll be talking about the experiment I did today

Equipment: Tweezers, Petri dish, KMnO4.

Question/Aim: Does temperature speed up or slow down the diffusion?

Yes, it doses when we did the Test the Warm water grew twice as large then the cold water grew very slowly.

Conclusion: The particles in hot water are moving faster.


Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate in Hot and Cold Water - YouTube

Friday, June 18, 2021


Hello Guys and to day I'll be showing you my Schools CARR Values.



More About me using a acrostic poem!!

 Hello Guys and I'll Be showing you a acrostic poem about me. Plus I will be making another blog post later too!!

Dose like Minecraft.





Loves Sushi.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 Hello Guys and today I'll be talking about what I did in Health. We had a total of 5 games and groups of 2-3 people and the activity. guess who, Uno, play cards, pick up sticks, and operation. I had a lot of fun playing games also we used a lot of interpersonal skills, by showing this to you I'll explain what are some interpersonal skills.            .well after you see the part below I'm just gonna say Bye.!!

Verbal Communication.

Non-Verbal Communication.

Active listening.

Being Inclusive.

Negotiating / Compromising.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Rising Water Experiment

Hello Guys And welcome to my blog post and today I'll be showing you, What I've been doing in Science. the experiment is called Rising Water, I hope you Enjoy

 Ain: To see what happens to the water level when the candle is covered.

Hypothesis: I predicted that the flame and the water will create gas


Results: The Flame was pulling up the Water

Conclusion: the Flame has no air while it was covered so it sucks everything in so since the water was there it sucks up the water. using Hot air and Cold Air

(Hot air = High pressure) And (Cold Air = Low pressure

Tools: Petri Dish Candle Lighter Cup Water matches

Instructions: Link To Website

Friday, June 4, 2021

A Donald trump poster + timeline :)

 Hello guys and I'll be showing you my Donald trump Poster and a timeline of him. Thank you for reading and Enjoy!!! 


Monday, May 31, 2021

Shark infested Custard Game. :0

 Hello guys and today I'll be talking about what I've done today.

ok so the teams were 5 to 6 I was the team leader of the 5 person team and we were getting to a destination only using 3 hoops. and I saw a lot of communication and working together a lot.

but I saw one of the other teams cheating and did not get caught :(.

(sorry there is nothing much to talk about this sorry).

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Crystallization Blog

 Crystallization Blog

Aim: What was the purpose of crystallization?

Method: The Steps and equipment we used.

Conclusion: Dissolving, solute, solvent, soluble, diluted, concentrated, crystallization, separation.

Discussion: purification of impure solids (I think I found this on google :) ).

I hope you guys Enjoyed it and goodbye!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Interpersonal skills Drawing In Pairs.

 Using this IP skill helped Verbal communication to This helped with the activity because i was talking about

Using this IP did not help with the activity today because….

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

y9 Goal setting blog post!

Hello, Guys welcome to this blog post. Today I'll be showing you my year 9 Goal Settings. There's nothing much more to say, so  I hope you enjoy it.  :)

 Year 9 Wānanga Goal Setting

Name: Daniel Robinson

Class:  tz

Term: 2


Greatest achievement from last year: 

Focusing on the work that I was given

Subjects I have taken this term:



hur4/Phy Rn


hur5/Health Tf


Hur1/Chaos Reading Mi


Hur6/gym Ht



business Gs


Art1 Ce


Dte1 Ca



Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):


Learn more about math and what other ways you can use Math


Get 90+ attendance

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

Get faster at typing(get 56+ WPM) 

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

I can manage myself in an online environment

I am adaptable and I can recognize more than one way to approach a problem.

How will I achieve this?

I can notice 1 way most of the time but sometimes 2 so yee!!

Wellbeing - (this will be filled in later in the term after some learning around this has occurred)

Students will be asked to come up with a plan around how they could improve their wellbeing and ideas on how to measure this so they know improvements are happening.

End of term reflection